Monday, April 14, 2008

Tired Of Squeezing Your Head For Ideas?

Seeking inspiration? Waiting on the Muse? Staring at a blank page or computer screen and hoping to create something spectacular?

"Creation is a drug I cannot live without." Cecil B. DeMille

Whether you're starting out, in the middle or revising a screenplay or any piece of creative work , the worst torment possible is when your mind goes blank. When nothing will come.

Fortunately, help is at hand. Dr. Ideas is your go-to guy for
inspiration at your fingertips.

Writer's Block
Believe it or not, the dreaded writer's block affects everyone from best-selling novelists through Oscar-winning screenwriters to penning a message on a greetings card. It's a killer. Depressing. Frustrating.

Forcing your brain to come up with ideas is like tying your shoe laces with your teeth.

Dr. Ideas can show you 10 Simple Ways To Overcome Writer's Block using things you can find around the house, near the house or in your brain.

  1. Turn your computer display off or throw a towel over it. Write using just the keyboard.
  2. If you write using a computer, write longhand instead. If you write longhand, try using a computer or typewriter instead. Chip the words out of stone if you have to.
  3. Pretend you're talking to a relative or friend. Tell them your story.
  4. Write "blah" for every word you cannot think of, every time you get stuck.
  5. Every time you attempt to edit yourself, stand up. Then walk around the room. Hum. Whistle. Sing a snatch from your favorite song. Then sit back down. And write.
Next time
  • Five more ways to overcome writer's block.
  • Examples of how to use one of the 10 ways.
If you need help with your current creative project or just have questions, email Dr. Ideas today.

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